Thursday, June 19, 2014

three day crash diet

Just want to see if I can do it. This crash diest says exersize and limit calorie intake to 800-1000 for three days and lose up to 10 lbs.

A) seems unrealistic, even so, its all water weight, which I don't have... (its all fat for me)

B) clear risks of relapse after completion with risks of weighing more

C) day one was a struggle but I still ate over 1500 calories I think! So much for that goal...

D) day two (today) I planned my meals so hopefully I do better. Meal plan listed below:

BREAKFAST: tea and egg = 120
SNACK: pepperjack cheese and tea = 200
LUNCH: water, rice, stew, and chicken = 400
SNACK: granola bar and tea = 200
DINNER: apple and tea = 120

Estimated total = 1040

Still over budget but better. Obviously a nutritionist would tell me the granola replaced with a salad or bread will be more filling at equal calories. Those considerations are emitted in this three day trial.

Also I plan two gym visits one after lunch and the other between snack and dinner. Total gym time for tomorrow will hopefully be about 90 minutes (60 cardio 30 abs).

Probably is not safe or effective so I do not recommend. Anyhow, do you boo.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


8 hours of food 14 hours of fasting.

11am to 7pm (give or take).

Only water and plain tea (always dairy free and minimal sugar). Sleep if still hungry.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

twenty one-- lifestyle change challenge EXPLAINED

So I don't believe in diets or punishments or restrictions so I decided a rewards system is much better. I know there are many systems like this out there but someone else made it up and I wanted to make one that reflected the lifestyle I wanted and the values I have.

So I made a challenge. Everyday, my goal is to real 21 points. I chose 21 because I am 21 years old. Pretty random I know but all other standards in other programs out there are also just as arbitrary. I wrote down things that I thought were important in the lifestyle I wanted, then I wrote down scores that I thought were appropriate. There is a possibility of earning multiple points during the day doing a specific activity. For example, if I eat salad twice, then I get the points for salad, twice.

This method works for me because I am constantly playing a game or challenging myself in a rewarding way. Everyday, I have the opportunity to be happy if I am able to reach 21 or higher. I will tend to make better choices because I want to win for the day. If I had the option of junk food, or a balanced nutritious meal, I would go nutritious because it would give me points towards my end of the day total.

Also, the goals I believe are realistic. For example, I can eat out, but I get extra points for eating out well. This means, I WILL go to Chipotle, I will just reduce the sour cream/cheese/tortilla options and my meal would be actually an amazing healthy and yummy  meal!

The one thing I need to develop is a long term point goal and reward system. What do I gain from doing well? I am thinking of a none-food related reward like for every 1000 points, you can buy clothes--or something like that. I don't know yet but I think it is important for me to consider incorporating that because otherwise, I would likely get over this game.

I also need to consider difficulty and ease levels. At first, I thought this game would be too easy and that I awarded points to easily. But I admit at the beginning, I would only be scoring 13, 11, 15 points. In the last few days, however, I have been scoring 21, 22, 26 points, almost easily. I think this is great because it shows I am getting more used to the lifestyle of doing well and now doing well is becoming easier and more natural to me--SUCCESS. Now that it is so easy, I feel like I should up the difficulty or add more extreme challenges like run certain number of miles or something. Or maybe I will reduce the value of certain activities. I haven't decided but I will update you all with that info soon!

jojo xx

twenty one-- lifestyle change challenge


Salads..................................................................... 3___________
Water..................................................................... 2___________
Tea.......................................................................... 1___________
Whole Fruit.......................................................... 2___________
Healthy, Proportional, Balanced Meal......... 2___________
Gym........................................................................ 3___________
7 Hours of Sleep................................................. 5___________
Prayer..................................................................... 4___________
Show Love............................................................. 2___________
Fruit Bowl.............................................................. 2___________
10,000 Steps........................................................ 3___________
Healthy Eating Out............................................ 3___________
Love Yourself........................................................ 2___________
Play With Friends............................................... 1___________
Learn Something New...................................... 1___________
Photography........................................................ 1___________
_________________________________________      r____________
_________________________________________      r____________

              total                              _________

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Redeux... let me reintroduce myself

I've been slacking. So much so that I've gained most my London lost weight back.

Good ole 178.....

Or naaahhhh!

Back on my grind homie! I'm not playing games anymore. I want my (six) pack back.

I'll post my new fitness journey shortly!

Xx jojo

Friday, January 10, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014