Wednesday, January 3, 2018


I realize today that my portions are massive.

Comparing my lunch container to co-workers, I'm stunned at the difference in size. I'm eating twice as much! Especially on the carbs portions, I love carbs but clearly I'm over packing on the carbs. They make the majority of my meal more than the veg and protein.

Not only are my portions bigger and heavy on the carbs, I snack in between.

No wonder I'm huge. I eat too much.

My diet isn't bad. I don't eat poorly, I've always known that. I just over eat and eat all the time.

If nothing else, intermittent fasting and meal prep is giving me the opportunity to LOOK at my food before scarfing it down. The more I look, the more I see. I'm seeing a whole lot (pun intended), of nonsensical.

So now I've discovered my second key to weight loss-- portion control (the first being that engaging in moderate activities like walking is sufficient exercise for my body type if done daily).