Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Time zones...

Quick note: I change times zones often and I can't always be bothered to change the time zones of my posts (sometimes I get lazy because it involves going on a computer to change... Nahhhh). So don't pay too much attention to time of post and worry more about nothing at all! 

Go in peace


Le diner: watermelon, plantain, and salad

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

About being vegan

I'm still 100% for it but I'm in a new place, haven't had control of what I eat for a couple months (very restrictive circumstances), and I've been sick/appetite-less. So as my body, mind, and spirit are adjusting to this new place and as I am finally getting settled/gaining independence, I can transition from managing and focusing on survival because of lack in choice, to eating in a way I like, maintaining an active lifestyle, and enjoying my surroundings. 

Vegan body building recommence. 

Yeah I get the last post was tuna and egg. Calm down. It's not THAT serious people. Did I explain MY vegan lifestyle to you yet?

Brekky: tuna egg sandwich, already eaten watermelon, green tea

I'm back! Currently in Abuja! 🇳🇬💋
joanne x

Monday, April 6, 2015

Sweet and sour chicken.

I normally don't like this stuff (my friend ordered) but this dish was horrible. THEY USED KETCHUP! Let's not try this again Maputo. My Rule of thumb: Go for the most basic dish possible the first time you go to a restaurant unless you already know they're good!

Beef and green peppers. Chinese in Maputo!

Monday, February 9, 2015

game of twenty two


Salads..................................... 3___ Water...................................... 2___ Tea.......................................... 1___ Fruit..................................... 2____ Exercise.................................. 3____ 
Hours of Sleep......................... 5___ 
Prayer twice............................. 4___ 
Show Love................................... 2___ 
10,000 Steps.............................. 3_____ 
Portuguese conversations (15mins+).......... 2__ 
Out in the town......................... 1___ 
Learn Something New..................... 2_____ 
Photography................................ 10___ 
Spend $0 ................................. 1___ 
No added sugar........................... 2____ 
GRE study.................................. 2____ 
Post food to blogger.................... 2____ 

total ____________

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Live from Mozambique

I'm back, posting from Mozambique. It's cuz I just finally fixed my phone. Excuses... ;)

Até já
