Saturday, May 25, 2013

slight disruption...

i have been traveling and access to wi-fi/outlets to charge has been slim so please mind my sporadic and incomplete postings!!!

as a warning, it won't get better (it will get worse) until august because i will be traveling to an even more challenging area until then!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

DINNER: pasta with ground beef sauce and garlic bread

Made with cheddar cheese too
Bacon beigel (bagel), butter beigel not pictured-- a la Brick Lane Beigel Bake

LUNCH: hot chocolate, apple, boiled eggs

BREAKFAST: oatmeal, fried egg, bacon

Hearty breakfast for a long day ehhh? The oatmeal by the way is the same as last time, with peanut butter, sultanas, brown sugar, and cinnamon.
I ate half of it before I could get a picture up so the eggs and bacon I found on google... no big deal though

Monday, May 13, 2013

NIGHTTIME SNACK: garlic bread

i ate before i took a picture :/ anyway i found a picture online that resembled my non-Photoshop photo capabilities I had my garlic bread with 2 cups of water

DINNER: chicken and bacon ravioli

SNACK: apple and hot chocolate


Just found an amazing website: There were so many recipes to follow and since it's geared towards students it is bound to be filled with quick, easy, and budget friendly meals. I do warn though it also includes ridiculous recipe/meal ideas that I presume only students would find as totally rational. 

LUNCH SALAD: with bacon, cheddar cheese, and sultanas

I just starting throwing things together that looked good. I think visual appeal is an important component to good food. I hope it tastes as good as it looks!!!

BREAKFAST SANDWICH: Pita, egg, bacon, salad, cheddar cheese sandwich

BREAKFAST SANDWICH: Pita, egg, bacon, salad, cheddar cheese sandwich. I had this with a cuppa peppermint tea :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

couldn't resist!

went for round 2, same details as before...
to be fair this is a good food blog not a diet blog... bear with me people

DINNER SANDWICH: Pita, chicken salad, cheddar cheese, and salad cream sandwich

Pita, chicken salad, cheddar cheese, and salad cream sandwich... made by me... yum :)

sandwich is about the size of my palm, idk if this is sufficient... i'll drink it with tea and we'll see how this goes

1 litre of water

I drank 1 litre of water through the course of the day... needs to be multiplied by two eventually

luurrrvvee guuuuud fuuuuuud


I love trying different foods, cooking, and eating in general (nothing to be ashamed of people!).

But unfortunately I am a junk food junkie mindlessly wasting calories on bad food when I could be eating really good food.

So, I am starting my healthy life style change so I can reverse that, eat good and healthy food, and feel great!
I will (try to) post pictures of everything I eat so I can really see what junk I'm eating and how much of it and eventually I will go from eating bad, useless food, to REAL GOOD FOOD.

As the days, weeks, months, and years go by my blog will be the most amazing food blog (ambitious, I know) of things I've made, tried, or hope to try and also tips and tricks about food, health, and fitness but in the end, I just hope this journey will help me enjoy food more, and eat better food!

xx jojo